Chapter 14 - In Which The King And The Lieutenant Each Give Proofs Of Memory

When the king, like all the people in the world who are inlove, had long and attentively watched disappear in thedistance the carriage which bore away his mistress; when hehad turned and turned again a hundred times to the same sideand had at length succeeded in somewhat calming theagitation of his heart and thoughts, he recollected that hewas not alone. The officer still held the horse by thebridle, and had not lost all hope of seeing the king recoverhis resolution. He had still the resource of mounting andriding after the carriage; they would have lost nothing bywaiting a little. But the imagination of the lieutenant ofthe musketeers was too rich and too brilliant; it left farbehind it that of the king, who took care not to allowhimself to be carried away to any such excess. He contentedhimself with approaching the officer, and in a dolefulvoice, "Come," said he, "let us be gone; all is ended. Tohorse!"

The officer imitated this carriage, this slowness, thissadness, and leisurely mounted his horse. The king pushed onsharply, the lieutenant followed him. At the bridge Louisturned around for the last time. The lieutenant, patient asa god who has eternity behind and before him, still hopedfor a return of energy. But it was groundless, nothingappeared. Louis gained the street which led to the castle,and entered as seven was striking. When the king hadreturned, and the musketeer, who saw everything, had seen acorner of the tapestry over the cardinal's window lifted up,he breathed a profound sigh, like a man unloosed from thetightest bounds, and said in a low voice:

"Now, then, my officer, I hope that it is over."

The king summoned his gentleman. "Please to understand Ishall receive nobody before two o'clock," said he.

"Sire," replied the gentleman, "there is, however, some onewho requests admittance."

"Who is that?"

"Your lieutenant of musketeers."

"He who accompanied me?"

"Yes, sire."

"Ah," said the king, "let him come in."

The officer entered. The king made a sign, and the gentlemanand the valet retired. Louis followed them with his eyesuntil they had shut the door, and when the tapestries hadfallen behind them, - "You remind me by your presence,monsieur, of something I had forgotten to recommend to you,that is to say, the most absolute discretion."

"Oh! sire, why does your majesty give yourself the troubleof making me such a recommendation? It is plain you do notknow me."

"Yes, monsieur, that is true. I know that you are discreet;but as I had prescribed nothing - - "

The officer bowed. "Has your majesty nothing else to say tome?"

"No, monsieur; you may retire."

"Shall I obtain permission not to do so till I have spokento the king, sire?"

"What have you to say to me? Explain yourself, monsieur."

"Sire, a thing without importance to you, but whichinterests me greatly. Pardon me, then, for speaking of it.Without urgency, without necessity, I never would have doneit, and I would have disappeared, mute and insignificant asI always have been."

"How! Disappeared! I do not understand you, monsieur."

"Sire, in a word," said the officer, "I am come to ask formy discharge from your majesty's service."

The king made a movement of surprise, but the officerremained as motionless as a statue.

"Your discharge - yours, monsieur? and for how long a time,I pray?"

"Why, forever, sire."

"What, you are desirous of quitting my service, monsieur?"said Louis, with an expression that revealed something morethan surprise.

"Sire, I regret to say that I am."


"It is so, however, sire. I am getting old; I have wornharness now thirty-five years; my poor shoulders are tired;I feel that I must give place to the young. I don't belongto this age; I have still one foot in the old one; itresults that everything is strange in my eyes, everythingastonishes and bewilders me. In short, I have the honor toask your majesty for my discharge."

"Monsieur," said the king, looking at the officer, who worehis uniform with an ease that would have caused envy in ayoung man, "you are stronger and more vigorous than I am."

"Oh!" replied the officer, with an air of false modesty,"your majesty says so because I still have a good eye and atolerably firm foot - because I can still ride a horse, andmy mustache is black; but, sire, vanity of vanities all that- illusions all that - appearance, smoke, sire! I havestill a youthful air, it is true, but I feel old, and withinsix months I am certain I shall be broken down, gouty,impotent. Therefore, then sire - - "

"Monsieur," interrupted the king, "remember your words ofyesterday. You said to me in this very place where you noware, that you were endowed with the best health of any manin France; that fatigue was unknown to you! that you did notmind spending whole days and nights at your post. Did youtell me that, monsieur, or not? Try and recall, monsieur."

The officer sighed. "Sire," said he, "old age is boastful;and it is pardonable for old men to praise themselves whenothers no longer do it. It is very possible I said that; butthe fact is, sire, I am very much fatigued, and requestpermission to retire."

"Monsieur," said the king, advancing towards the officerwith a gesture full of majesty, "you are not assigning methe true reason. You wish to quit my service, it may betrue, but you disguise from me the motive of your retreat."

"Sire, believe that - - "

"I believe what I see, monsieur; I see a vigorous, energeticman, full of presence of mind, the best soldier in France,perhaps; and this personage cannot persuade me the least inthe world that you stand in need of rest."

"Ah! sire," said the lieutenant, with bitterness, "whatpraise! Indeed, your majesty confounds me! Energetic,vigorous, brave, intelligent, the best soldier in the army!But, sire, your majesty exaggerates my small portion ofmerit to such a point, that however good an opinion I mayhave of myself, I do not recognize myself; in truth I donot. If I were vain enough to believe only half of yourmajesty's words, I should consider myself a valuable,indispensable man. I should say that a servant possessed ofsuch brilliant qualities was a treasure beyond all price.Now, sire, I have been all my life - I feel bound to say it- except at the present time, appreciated, in my opinion,much below my value. I therefore repeat, your majestyexaggerates."

The king knitted his brow, for he saw a bitter raillerybeneath the words of the officer. "Come, monsieur," said he,"let us meet the question frankly. Are you dissatisfied withmy service, say? No evasions; speak boldly, frankly - Icommand you to do so."

The officer, who had been twisting his hat about in hishands, with an embarrassed air, for several minutes, raisedhis head at these words. "Oh! sire," said he, "that puts mea little more at my ease. To a question put so frankly, Iwill reply frankly. To tell the truth is a good thing, asmuch from the pleasure one feels in relieving one's heart,as on account of the rarity of the fact. I will speak thetruth, then, to my king, at the same time imploring him toexcuse the frankness of an old soldier."

Louis looked at his officer with anxiety, which hemanifested by the agitation of his gesture. "Well, thenspeak," said he, "for I am impatient to hear the truths youhave to tell me."

The officer threw his hat upon a table, and his countenance,always so intelligent and martial, assumed, all at once, astrange character of grandeur and solemnity. "Sire," saidhe, "I quit the king's service because I am dissatisfied.The valet, in these times, can approach his master asrespectfully as I do, can give him an account of his labor,bring back his tools, return the funds that have beenintrusted to him, and say, `Master, my day's work is done.Pay me, if you please, and let us part.'"

"Monsieur! monsieur!" exclaimed the king, crimson with rage.

"Ah! sire," replied the officer, bending his knee for amoment, "never was servant more respectful than I am beforeyour majesty; only you commanded me to tell the truth. Now Ihave begun to tell it, it must come out, even if you commandme to hold my tongue."

There was so much resolution expressed in the deep-sunkmuscles of the officer's countenance, that Louis XIV. had nooccasion to tell him to continue; he continued, therefore,whilst the king looked at him with a curiosity mingled withadmiration.

"Sire, I have, as I have said, now served the house ofFrance thirty-five years; few people have worn out so manyswords in that service as I have, and the swords I speak ofwere good swords, too, sire. I was a boy, ignorant ofeverything except courage, when the king your father guessedthat there was a man in me. I was a man, sire, when theCardinal de Richelieu, who was a judge of manhood,discovered an enemy in me. Sire, the history of that enmitybetween the ant and the lion may be read from the first tothe last line, in the secret archives of your family. Ifever you feel an inclination to know it, do so, sire; thehistory is worth the trouble - it is I who tell you so. Youwill there read that the lion, fatigued, harassed, out ofbreath, at length cried for quarter, and the justice must berendered him to say that he gave as much as he required. Oh!those were glorious times, sire, strewed over with battleslike one of Tasso's or Ariosto's epics. The wonders of thosetimes, to which the people of ours would refuse belief, wereevery-day occurrences. For five years together, I was a heroevery day; at least, so I was told by persons of judgment;and that is a long period for heroism, trust me, sire, aperiod of five years. Nevertheless, I have faith in whatthese people told me, for they were good judges. They werenamed M. de Richelieu, M. de Buckingham, M. de Beaufort, Retz, a mighty genius himself in street warfare, - inshort, the king, Louis XIII., and even the queen, your noblemother, who one day condescended to say, `Thank you.' Idon't know what service I had had the good fortune to renderher. Pardon me, sire, for speaking so boldly; but what Irelate to you, as I have already had the honor to tell yourmajesty, is history."

The king bit his lips, and threw himself violently on achair.

"I appear importunate to your majesty," said the lieutenant."Eh! sire, that is the fate of truth; she is a sterncompanion; she bristles all over with steel; she woundsthose whom she attacks, and sometimes him who speaks her."

"No, monsieur," replied the king; "I bade you speak - speakthen."

"After the service of the king and the cardinal came theservice of the regency, sire; I fought pretty well in theFronde - much less, though, than the first time. The menbegan to diminish in stature. I have, nevertheless, led yourmajesty's musketeers on some perilous occasions, which standupon the orders of the day of the company. Mine was abeautiful luck at that time. I was the favorite of M. deMazarin. Lieutenant here! lieutenant there! lieutenant tothe right! lieutenant to the left! There was not a buffetdealt in France, of which your humble servant did not havethe dealing; but soon France was not enough. The cardinalsent me to England on Cromwell's account; another gentlemanwho was not over gentle, I assure you, sire. I had the honorof knowing him, and I was well able to appreciate him. Agreat deal was promised me on account of that mission. So,as I did much more than I had been bidden to do, I wasgenerously paid, for I was at length appointed captain ofthe musketeers, that is to say, the most envied position incourt, which takes precedence over the marshals of France,and justly, for who says captain of the musketeers says theflower of chivalry and king of the brave."

"Captain, monsieur!" interrupted the king, "you make amistake. Lieutenant, you mean."

"Not at all, sire - I make no mistake; your majesty mayrely upon me in that respect. Monsieur le cardinal gave methe commission himself."


"But M. de Mazarin, as you know better than anybody, doesnot often give, and sometimes takes back what he has given;he took it back again as soon as peace was made and he wasno longer in want of me. Certainly I was not worthy toreplace M. de Treville, of illustrious memory; but they hadpromised me, and they had given me; they ought to havestopped there."

"Is that what dissatisfies you, monsieur? Well I shall makeinquiries. I love justice; and your claim, though made inmilitary fashion, does not displease me."

"Oh, sire!" said the officer, "your majesty has illunderstood me; I no longer claim anything now."

"Excess of delicacy, monsieur; but I will keep my eye uponyour affairs, and later - - "

"Oh, sire! what a word! - later! Thirty years have I livedupon that promising word, which has been pronounced by somany great personages, and which your mouth has, in itsturn, just pronounced. Later - that is how I have receiveda score of wounds, and how I have reached fifty-four yearsof age without ever having had a louis in my purse, andwithout ever having met with a protector on my way, - I whohave protected so many people! So I change my formula, sire;and when any one says to me `Later,' I reply `Now.' It isrest that I solicit, sire. That may be easily granted me.That will cost nobody anything."

"I did not look for this language, monsieur, particularlyfrom a man who has always lived among the great. You forgetyou are speaking to the king, to a gentleman who is, Isuppose, of as good a house as yourself; and when I saylater, I mean a certainty."

"I do not at all doubt it, sire, but this is the end of theterrible truth I had to tell you. If I were to see upon thattable a marshal's stick, the sword of constable, the crownof Poland, instead of later, I swear to you, sire, that Ishould still say Now! Oh, excuse me, sire! I am from thecountry of your grandfather, Henry IV. I do not speak often;but when I do speak, I speak all."

"The future of my reign has little temptation for you,monsieur, it appears," said Louis, haughtily.

"Forgetfulness, forgetfulness everywhere!" cried theofficer, with a noble air; "the master has forgotten theservant, so that the servant is reduced to forget hismaster. I live in unfortunate times, sire. I see youth fullof discouragement and fear, I see it timid and despoiled,when it ought to be rich and powerful. I yesterday evening,for example, open the door to a king of England, whosefather, humble as I am, I was near saving, if God had notbeen against me - God, who inspired His elect, Cromwell! Iopen, I said, the door, that is to say, the palace of onebrother to another brother, and I see - stop, sire, that isa load on my heart! - I see the minister of that king driveaway the proscribed prince, and humiliate his master bycondemning to want another king, his equal. Then I see myprince, who is young, handsome, and brave, who has couragein his heart, and lightning in his eye, - I see him tremblebefore a priest, who laughs at him behind the curtain of hisalcove, where he digests all the gold of France, which heafterwards stuffs into secret coffers. Yes - I understandyour looks, sire. I am bold to madness; but what is to besaid? I am an old man, and I tell you here, sire, to you, myking, things which I would cram down the throat of any onewho should dare to pronounce them before me. You havecommanded me to pour out the bottom of my heart before you,sire, and I cast at the feet of your majesty the pent-upindignation of thirty years, as I would pour out all myblood, if your majesty commanded me to do so."

The king, without speaking a word, wiped the drops of coldand abundant perspiration which trickled from his temples.The moment of silence which followed this vehement outbreakrepresented for him who had spoken, and for him who hadlistened, ages of suffering.

"Monsieur," said the king at length, "you spoke the wordforgetfulness. I have heard nothing but that word; I willreply, then, to it alone. Others have perhaps been able toforget, but I have not, and the proof is, that I rememberthat one day of riot, that one day when the furious people,raging and roaring as the sea, invaded the royal palace;that one day when I feigned sleep in my bed, one man alone,naked sword in hand, concealed behind my curtain, watchedover my life, ready to risk his own for me, as he had beforerisked it twenty times for the lives of my family. Was notthe gentleman, whose name I then demanded, called M.d'Artagnan? say, monsieur."

"Your majesty has a good memory," replied the officer,coldly.

"You see, then," continued the king, "if I have suchremembrances of my childhood, what an amount I may gather inthe age of reason."

"Your majesty has been richly endowed by God," said theofficer, in the same tone.

"Come, Monsieur d'Artagnan," continued Louis, with feverishagitation, "ought you not to be as patient as I am? Oughtyou not to do as I do? Come!"

"And what do you do, sire?"

"I wait."

"Your majesty may do so, because you are young; but I, sire,have not time to wait; old age is at my door, and death isbehind it, looking into the very depths of my house. Yourmajesty is beginning life, its future is full of hope andfortune; but I, sire, I am on the other side of the horizon,and we are so far from each other, that I should never havetime to wait till your majesty came up to me."

Louis made another turn in his apartment, still wiping themoisture from his brow, in a manner that would haveterrified his physicians, if his physicians had witnessedthe state his majesty was in.

"It is very well, monsieur," said Louis XIV., in a sharpvoice; "you are desirous of having your discharge, and youshall have it. You offer me your resignation of the rank oflieutenant of the musketeers?"

"I deposit it humbly at your majesty's feet, sire."

"That is sufficient. I will order your pension."

"I shall have a thousand obligations to your majesty."

"Monsieur," said the king, with a violent effort, "I thinkyou are losing a good master."

"And I am sure of it, sire."

"Shall you ever find such another?"

"Oh, sire! I know that your majesty is alone in the world;therefore will I never again take service with any king uponearth, and will never again have other master than myself."

"You say so?"

"I swear so, your majesty."

"I shall remember that word, monsieur."

D'Artagnan bowed.

"And you know I have a good memory," said the king.

"Yes, sire, and yet I should desire that that memory shouldfail your majesty in this instance, in order that you mightforget all the miseries I have been forced to spread beforeyour eyes. Your majesty is so much above the poor and themean that I hope - - "

"My majesty, monsieur, will act like the sun, which looksupon all, great and small, rich and poor, giving luster tosome, warmth to others, and life to all. Adieu Monsieurd'Artagnan - adieu: you are free."

And the king, with a hoarse sob, which was lost in histhroat, passed quickly into the next room. D'Artagnan tookup his hat from the table upon which he had thrown it, andwent out.